Purple Skunk -Hybrid
Users can enjoy a full body rush with Purple Skunk, packed with invigorating tingles and a tireless high that in most cases will last all day. This bud is best smoked in the morning or midday when you’re in need of that extra giddy-up and just can’t make it through the day alone. Though the body high is most apparent, the head high is not to be forgotten, with a light airy buzz and imparting a cheerful demeanor. Take this strain outdoors and enjoy the added moxie in your day.
For users that require a bit of extra love in the feels department, Purple Skunk is a great alternative to big pharma. With mood-enhancing properties, this strain is perfect for those who suffer from depression, chronic fatigue, or stress disorder as it washes away worry and gives you the added energy to get through your day with vigor. Those that suffer from chronic pain have also reported that the numbing effect in this strain was quite effective and welcome.